
Inoo got sharp tounge of Chinen >.<''

message from chinen: Inoo Kei-chan, you’re a halfhearted man, because of 

that you are the person who likes change something (note: not consistent).

hahaha…poor inoo!!>.<

for full translation in Duet January 2010
Chinen Yuuri and Inoo Kei visit the LJ link„ *klik HERE

Inoo Kei sent Hidden Message to Morimoto Ryutaro!!\^o^/

Inoo was send a hidden massage for ryuu„ it’s so sweet,.,
he said it at the JUMPaper July 11,2011,. 

“Mo-ri-mo-to ha-ya-ku ka-e-tte-ko-i yo, OVER?”

For the full translation„, you can visit the LJ link,.^^ 

*klik HERE

Inoo G-Man..??!!!

like the tittle„.Inoo G-Man??!
You know what’s the meaning of G-Man??

“G-man can mean 2 things in Japanese: 1. Gay-Man n 2. has found out that g-man could also mean government (FBI agent)”

I hope Inoo mean is the second,.^^

for the full translation„ visit link LJ *klik bottom

[DOWNLOAD] HSJ SkinWinamp-Yabu Kota SP (Otanjoubi Omedetou^^)

Minna,... ogenki desu ka??!! genki desu yo,...^-^
Yoss,.. Ultah Yabu kun yg ke 22 tahun udah tiba.,.. selain aku bikin fanart,, aku juga bikin skinwinamp SP Yabu,.
Lumayan ada waktu luang buat bikinnya,.. hahhaa,.

contohnya seperti ini:

Bagi yang belom Download skin winamp full all member JUMP, bisa donwload di link bawah^^


Otanjoubi Omedetou Yabu Kota^^

Yeay,..!!Minna,.. Aq post duluan sebelum tanggal 31 January,,tepatnya ultah nya Yabu kun yg ke 22 tahun,.
Kyaaa.... aq ntar nyusul bulan february nie... hahaha *abaikan

Yo..yo... Otanjoubi omedetou Yabu kun,...^^
Moga tambah berisi tuh badan,.. jg tambah cakep yah,, wlo makin tua,.. *plaak

Yoshaa... nie fansart aq,.. khusus buat ultah yabu....
gomenne,, biasanya aq bkin sesuatu... tp kali ini cuma piku... tapi aq buatnya dg spenuh hati loh,... *curcol,,, abaikan =,=''


HSB Interview “Gratitude”- #Hikaru, you’re so kind^_^

Keiichiro : Our guest this time is Hey! Say! Best!
HSB : Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!!
Keiichiro : Today’s theme is “gratitude”, things that you feel grateful to a   member. It’s maybe a little bit embarrasing, but please share it with   us. Inoo chan, do you have something like that?
Inoo : Yes, recently. I took a day off from concert rehearsal because I   caught a cold. At that time, I emailed the member with “I’m taking a   day off, I’m sorry”. Without blaming me, everyone replied me with   something like ”quickly recover, okay!” it makes me happy.
Keiichiro : They’re really nice
  In my case, when I caught a cold, everyone bullied me
All laugh!!
Keiichiro : Ari chan?
Daiki : When hikaru kun and I share the same room. I’m really bad with   mornings and I can’t really.
Keiichiro : Oh, so the two of you share the same room?
Daiki : Yes, there are times where we share a room, it’s really hard for me to   get up from my bed. And hikaru kun would usually poke me and say,   ”sleeping for another 10 or 20 minutes, it doesn’t make any   difference. So, faster wake up”. He always say it tenderly.
Keiichiro : Ten or twenty minute in the morning are important, aren’t they?
Hikaru : There was one time when he’s really into game. There’s game where   you fight in the first floor or second floor of a building. I said to him,   ”Dai chan, wake up!” (Daiki reply) “It’s okay,..There’s no enemy in the   first floor.”
All laugh!!!
Hikaru : He was actually still half asleep when he said that!
Keiichiro : How much did you think about the game in your head?!
All laugh!!!
Keiichiro : Okay, Takaki?
Yuya : When I catch a cold, ehm, it’s something like a herbal medicine. What   do you call it? *he look at hikaru^^*
Keiichiro : Hikaru looks like somesort of herbal medicine
All laugh!!!
Hikaru : What do you mean by me looking like herbal medicine?!
Daiki : Like a mountain man from somewhere
Keiichiro : What about yabu?
Yabu : It’s kind of embarrassing, but it’s hikaru as well
Keiichiro : Oh Hikaru, you’re great! You are popular.
Yabu : Well, I’m doing a stage play at the moment. Taking care of your   throat is important, isn’t it? When I said my throat is weak, so I’m a   little bit worried, on the first day he bought me a humidifier.
Keiichiro : Humidifier? Seriously?!
Yabu : Haik
Keiichiro : Not bad
All, huooh!!”
Hikaru : I bought it for him
Yabu : But then, the material used was herbal medicine
All laugh!!!
Hikaru : Because he look like herbal medicine. I properly put the lavender one right?!
Keiichiro : Mr. Herbal medicine do you haver something to say? “laugh”
Hikaru : Well, for Mr. Herbal medicine…As expected, I’m grateful to all Jump’s   member. Well, my jokes are seriously boring, aren’t they?
All laugh!!!
Keiichiro : Oh you’re aware of that?! You’re aware of that yourself?!
Hikaru : Yeah, I’m totally aware of it. Since three years ago. Even so, they all   still laugh at it, the nine of them. They are so kind, aren’t they?
  Yes, that’s why I’m really grateful of that everyday.