
Myojo February 2012 Translation Part 8

Chinen Yuri x Yabu Kota - Gourmet Runner Pair
Yabu: You know, Chinen & I … really hate eachother.
Chinen: Yep. Hate eachother soooo much we run from our houses to see eachother. (笑)
Yabu: I know! I think it’s around March… but we made up this marathon before work where we start at eachother’s houses, and meet at the centre point to see who’s faster. Wanna do that again?
Chinen: Sure! I’m pretty sure this year…we’ve been around all these shops together to eat.
Yabu: Yeah, like after concerts. I think I spilt juice on Chinen at a ramen shop.
Chinen: It was like, Spalsh! “OMG I’m so sorry!!” “Hahaha it’s alright, Yabu-chan!”  It’s weird how when we’re together, everything becomes funny. Well, though I did have to go home really wet & cold. (笑)
Yabu: Maybe… I think we have the same senses in humour and gourmet. 
Chinen: I wanna find like, really nice shops, and introduce them to eachother!
Yabu: Then, let’s run together to those shops!
Inoo Kei x Yabu Kota - Wanna Solve the Mysteries of Butan Pair
Yabu: If I was to go on a trip within the country, I’d go to Aomori.
Inoo: Why Aomori?
Yabu: I’ll go on the train from Hachi-do, and go to a really nice shore where there’s really nice mackerels! I heard from a friend, but apparently it’s really nice there!
Inoo: Right-. That’s nice~. Well… I’m interested in like, going on Shikoku 18 Places Trip. It looks confronting! 
Yabu: That sounds cool. So, if overseas, where do you wanna go?
Inoo: Totally Butan!
Yabu: I wanna go to Butan as well.
Inoo:  I sound so gossipy, but when King Wangchuk came, I kinda looked stuff up. (笑)But apparently, more than half of the jobs there are like, agricultural stuff.
Yabu: And, the percentage of losing a job is like,  3%. Butan’s a good country cuz its governing and funds are done well. You know, I wanna find out why & how this goes. 
Inoo: Then, let’s go together!
Yabu: I seriously wanna go!
Takaki Yuya x Arioka Daiki - In History Dramas! Pair
Arioka: When I was shooting drama “Chu-shin Gura” in Kyoto, I couldn’t really get used to the place for a while, but I found out that the make-up person once worked with Takaki, and we talked about you.
Takaki: Yeah, cuz it’s the same shooting place as “Sha-bake”.
Arioka: I heard a lot of stories.
Takaki: Eh!?
Arioka: Like, you were like “Chu-su!” not “Ohayo- gozaimasu.” 
Takaki: That… I’m REALLY  sorry.
Arioka: Or like, your nails were so long.
Takaki: I was always told like, “Trim your nails!”
Arioka: And, you know how you went to Taiwan for work? Well apparently you promised souvenirs, but they still haven’t got them.
Takaki: Oh, the pineapple cakes… there aren’t any left.
Arioka: So, they told me to tell you, “When you come to Kyoto again, make sure your nails are trimmed, you bring your pineapple cakes, and you say “Ohayo-gozaimasu.” “
Takaki: Right, I’ll try to remember. (笑)
Yaotome Hikaru x Nakajima Yuto - Kawaii x 2 Pair
Yaotome: Yuto has so many cases for his phone, and he always puts on a different one everyday. It’s cute.
Nakajima: I like phone cases.
Yaotome: And it’s cute how he often gets nosebleeds like a perv child.(笑)
Nakajima: Ahahaha~ Actually, I was thinking of a bit ecchi stuff~(笑)The cute stuff about Hikaru-kun I think is….
Yaotome: I’m sure there’s a deadly lot.
Nakajima: Firstly, your hair is cute. I like Hikaru-kun where he puts his fringe up in a pomper-doll. 
Yaotome: I don’t do that recently though…
Nakajima: So, I want you to do it in the concert next time! And, also I think it’s cute how you’re shy.
Yaotome: Oh, like at first? 
Nakajima: I remember some time ago I was like, “Let’s practice at my friend’s studio!” and you were like, “I dunno that person, so I don’t wanna. Cuz I’m shy.”
Yaotome: Ah~ I remember. Cuz I’m like, shy, I always get really tense when I first meet someone.
Nakajima: That’s what’s cute<3


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