
Myojo February 2012 Translation Part 19

New Year’s Corner - 2012 Fortune CHECK!
Pink: Love   Blue: Work
Yaotome Hikaru’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: Your love luck would be great until October. It is thought there would be a situation like walking through dramas on earth. But it will all change in October, where there will be a fight because of the other person saying something to you that you didn’t want. During the fight you might throw the other person fatal words. And with that, you might develop hates for yourself. But there are signs of you making up, but 2012 will be a year where you should be careful of the pits of love.
Work Fortune: Your work will be great all year, going up, and up. Songs and drama will give you explosive popularity, and you will be busy. Shows of cooking or art is also good. It will connect to a great chance, so an assertive attitude to your work is important. The key to success is to not make your aims just one, but to challenge many things. Especially from August, it will be important for you to challenge everything, and have a professional attitude.
Fortune Key phrase: Once decided, head for it!!
Hikaru: So I’m gonna have a huge fight with my girlfriend in October-. That’s bad. And it’s also a problem for JUMP. Cuz, I’m having a fight with Yabu, right? (笑)Then, I’d be like, so angry I go, “You soccer-headed dude!!!!” … Well, if I said that to him, I’m thinking he’d be happy though. And for work, the important part is from August. Anyways, I’m a summer person and I get really enthusiastic in summer. But… that sometimes goes wrong and I catch summer colds-.(笑)
Nakajima Yuto’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: This is a year where the love with the girl of your dreams might come true. But in March, your heart will be torn. So torn that you might want to give up. Though in April, a huge chance will come to you. Which leads you to being all in love in June. But the hardest part hits in August. If you overcome this, to the end of the year you will be loving and loved…
Work Fortune: It will be a year where you have the will to study, for no reason. Maybe you will feel unenthusiastic to the job now. But front side, you will be supported by your peers, so there is no problem. In October you should find something that answers your will to study. With this chance, jump to it with no doubt. This is a year for you to go for a new chance hidden within.
Fortune Key phrase: Believe your dreams and chances.
Yuto: I’m the type who doesn’t believe in anything as long as it isn’t good. And apparently my love with the girl of my dreams will come true in 2012…? Yeah, well if I find someone like that, sure. Well there might be a meeting in 2012, but… my view of love contains my connection with family and fans, so it’s cool how it will ascend gradually to December! So at work, I should study… I think I’ll study photography properly, since I just did it for fun before.
Yabu Kota’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: Because you will be a man who meets many people, there will be destiny to a woman. But, it is August when you realise it is her. You might have a bitter experience, called losing love. But in change for that, you will come to know the psychological system of females. 2012 will be a tough year for you to become stronger.
Work Fortune: It is a year where your psychological state is unsteady. You do not know what you want to do. But the chances come in June and November. Then, you don’t come to realise the chance. Though with this chance, you will come to realise your hidden abilities and be surprised. Not just with your own abilities, but it is definite that by thanking the support around you, your chances will grow.
Fortune Key Phrase: Ride on the horse of destiny that stopped by.
Yabu: I haven’t really thought about love and stuff for a while, so I’m really surprised! But… I’m gonna get dumped anyway.(笑)Even if there is something sad, I’ll take it. Because that’s how I grow. So, I wanna try without giving up until the end. Except, right now, I don’t think I need a girlfriend. Cuz I like my work. When I hear I’m psychologically unstable, I just think, let’s just kick that off and go!!! Cuz basically, I hate losing!
Chinen Yuri’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: You think you aren’t interested in love, but your love luck starts to go up from February. In June, there could be a meeting with a cute girl! But, in July, there is going to be something so shocking that you think, “I am never gonna like anyone”. Though in November, there might be new love at somewhere you’ve never imagined.
Work Fortune: You will show your true abilities from July. From the time you’ve decided, “I am never going to like anyone”, you will concentrate fully on your work. There are some signs of a new single coming up, and that will have an explosive hit. But for this to lead to success, you will have to fight against what will happen during the 3 months from May. These 3 months will be really busy both at work, and private life. It is possible for you to become unhealthy. Be especially careful on odd-numbered days.
Fortune Key Phrase: Dash to your dreams!
Chinen: So, if there’s gonna be something good in February, something might be waiting for me on Valentine’s day-! And I’m gonna fully concentrate on work from July, right? So… I might be able to perform something even better than last year in SUMMARY if we’re doing it! And, it says a new single, so maybe a drama with our song starts, and we’d be busy like Hikaru-kun?
Yamada Ryosuke’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: You will have an imaginary love story with an older female. But, you will go bankrupt in April, and will feel down. Though you will spend a lonely birthday, there will be a destiny meeting in June. With coincidence overlapping, your love for her will go higher, and a new love will start. This love will peak at around December.
Work Fortune: Your work will be steady, but your feelings to it don’t go with it. But, in July, there will be work that you’ve always wanted, that is different to singing, or acting, and you have never done. By trying hard here, it is sure your popularity will go up, but is also a chance to become a better person. As it gets to the second half of the year, your luck will go up.
Fortun Key Phrase: Add your minus experiences to your benefit.
Yamada: Then, just so it won’t be a lonely birthday, in May, I wanna do a concert! And my members and fans can happy birthday me! And, it would be really nice if the work I’ve never done was a movie. I wanna be in a dark, heavy war movie. Though I was never really interested in history, it would be nice if using that as a chance I could learn more about it. I’m ready to be bald for that!!
Arioka Daiki’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: It will be a year where you will grow a lot from love. The love that met its peak in February will fall so fast in April. A happening such as your love going far away will attack you. You might not even be able to work to your best until May. But by standing this and accepting loneliness, you will become a man. From June you are the King of Hearts. You will be able to meet love again with ease.
Work Fortune: Work fortune will go up easily. Your popularity will go up naturally without doubt. Especially in dramas, you will be supported by your elders, and it is important to be careful about your manners to older people in daily life. Except in July it is told there will be a trouble with your eyes or ears, so make sure you are careful. Chances are waiting for you every month when there is a 2 or 7.
Fortune Phrase: The words your elders will speak are from God’s voice.
Arioka: This means I should be in love, right? But I can’t stand being apart with someone I like-. Cuz, it’s sad not seeing them. But of course I’d try. I’ll stand it, but I think it’ll be hard. Cuz, I’m not good with being alone. I hate being in trouble in July! Cuz, it’s around the Summer concert time. Like, water gets into my ears and I get like, tympanitis or something?? …Gotta be careful. Anyways, it’ll be a year when I have lots of chances in a month, so let’s go!
Inoo Kei’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: The miracle luck is coming.You will find love where you least expect it. In August, you are looking at something happening with the girl you have always saw. In September, focus on older women. It will be a year where you will be thinking, “I’m glad I was born!” But, keep in mind that it is an easy year to be tricked by bad women.
Work Fortune: There will be unexpected work coming through. From May, your popularity will grow a lot, and you will be pulled everywhere for ads. In September, it might be good to post your idea. A tiny phrase is likely to become this year’s popular words, and it is a year that is as if a goddess of luck has appeared on you.
Fortune Key Phrase: Miracles are always happening. Find them.
Inoo: Fortune-tellings are nice, because they make everyone positive, and forward to the future. But, I know really well that if you believe in the outcome too much that you don’t try, you won’t succeed! So, as it says on the work luck, I will do everything! I’m hoping my CM is gonna be food-! Cuz I have confidence in making it look tasty!! And, I think I’ll be tricked alot by bad women.(笑)
Takaki Yuya’s Yearly Fortune
Love Fortune: It is a stable, ascending love luck. It is thought especially that there will be something overseas. It might be something you haven’t experienced before. But the actual person is just normal. You might come to praising how calm you are. But this calm heart is what will keep the love on going. This year, from love and trust, you will realise the greatness of love.
Work Fortune: There will be many hidden chances overseas. And also within the country, by being in a travel show, you will be required to show your professionalism. The bond with the staff is needed greatly. It is then your chances will grow. Expect be careful on your health. The characteristics of this year is that before important work, you always get somehow sick. Make sure you don’t tire your self in May or December.
Fortune Key Phrase: Make everyday have a meaning.
Takaki: In any fortune-telling thing, I’m always advised to go overseas. Which means there are jobs overseas… right? But… it also does mean something’s gonna happen overseas. No way it’s love though.  (笑)I had interests in overseas anyway, so it’s a good outcome. I have to study english! I’ve always wanted to be in one of those travel shows, so I’m hoping my abilities will grow. If there was like, a show where all of JUMP could go on a trip, that would be so cool!!
Okamoto Keito’s Yearly Fortune:
Love Fortune: Truly bad. Everytime you like someone, the love doesn’t hold for a week. Precisely the year when you are easy to heat, but also easy to cool. And it is because you seem to find out the bad sides to that girl. You sometimes think another girl is cuter than the girl you liked then. But this is unstoppable. Perhaps it is smarter to switch to a view of “looking at girls”
Work Fortune: Because you have an aura that attracts girls, anywhere you go, you are the centre of attention. Here, you will have to do your work with your power. You will definitely succeed. It is a once in a 10 year chance. As much as you try, you will become closer to your dream. Stand play is OK. But be careful of high areas, as the alert sign for injuring your leg is flashing.
Fortune Key Phrase: Success is One Determination!
Okamoto: I really believe in fortune-telling. Cuz every month on the 1st, I go to a website to check how my luck is for the month.(笑)Wait, OMG isn’t it cool how it’s like, “a once in 10 years chance”? Then I’d have to do my best in everything!! But my love fortune is seriously up and down… but apparently a lot of girls are gonna look cute to me, so I’m looking forward to that<3 Well, I am a guy~~ 


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