
Myojo February 2012 Translation Part 1

Inoo Kei x Arioka Daiki - “Position Change in Game” Pair
Arioka: Ino-chan is my senpai, so at first it was a bit scary, but when I became friends with Tamamori from Kis-My, I became friends with Ino-chan through him.
Inoo: Yeap. You know, since we know eachother for so long, coming to flashback and thinking about it… your appearance hasn’t changed at all since long ago. 
Arioka: If you ask me, you haven’t changed either!
Inoo: Even if we look at the photos from when we debuted, we’re the two who look like it’s been taken last month. (笑)
Arioka: Yea, I know right! But you…. Ino-chan, you haven’t change on the inside either! You like pranks, and in games you always try to get me… 
Inoo: A-hahahaha(笑)I can’t beat Dai-chan in real life, so I want to beat you at least in games! You know that, right?
Arioka: eh-! We’re still playing the same game, and when I checked the history in it this morning, I’m like, constantly being attacked by Ino-chan!
Inoo: Then it’s the situation where I’m just trying to be mean. (笑)
Arioka: Hey, stop it! (笑)
Yamada Ryosuke x Chinen Yuri - The Dance Pair
Yamada: Chinen and I…we’re really different. We’re different from how we look at love. Cuz, I wanna lead the girl.
Chinen: I wanna be led.
Yamada: I’m pretty sure Chinen, you like older-sister type girls, right?
Chinen: Umm… maybe… Anyway, I like dudes who can lead me!!!!
Yamada: Not DUDES Chinen, GIRLS, right? (笑)I like girls who are… fluffy!
Chinen: Fluffy girls are light, so they’re easier to lead!
Yamada: Anyway, I think Chinen & I are different in how we look at work.
Chinen: Well, you mean the type of work we want to do. I think Ryosuke is the type who wants to act, but I want to be on actual variety TV shows. 
Yamada: Yeah, I guess that’s true. But we’re the exact same in dance! You know, we have different dances for our basics. Chinen’s jazz and ballet, I’m hip-hop, but when we dance the same choreography, we look exactly the same. I think we have the same counts in our head.
Chinen: Let’s keep on showing the best dance, Ryosuke<3
Arioka Daiki x Okamoto Keito - The Singing & Talking Pair
Arioka: We’re often together these days. You know, we usually go out after work.
Okamoto: We go shopping… lunch, concerts… We went karaoke the other day and before we realised, we were there for 4 hours!
Arioka: When we went in we said “I guess about an hour?”, and that’s how we end up! We even have private rules between us like, we always order black oolong tea, and the parts we sing… we can get it right without any eye contact!
Okamoto: I always think “if i had a brother it’ll be like this” when I’m with Dai-chan. We never run out of stuff to talk about, and I don’t have to be all formal. ah, but….
Arioka: What’s up-?? Something you wanna say??
Okamoto: When you buy clothes, you seem to always wear them. Nowadays, you’re always wearing your leather jacket & chino pants!
Arioka: it said in a fashion magazine “leather jackets are a adaptable inner”!! Anyway, don’t say this stuff here cuz it’s embarrassing! You should be formal there. (笑)
Nakajima Yuto x Okamoto Keito - Love of Music & Italian Food Pair
Okamoto: I think Yuto won’t be able to live by himself for another 15 years.
Nakajima: Yeah, I can’t be alone, and I keep on hanging around Keito.
Okamoto: When I’m busy t, I ignore it like a move from Judo, though.
Nakajima: You’re like, “Come here~ Come here~” sometimes, but then, there’s times when you’re like, “Come here~” and then you suddenly go into the judo move.(笑)
Okamoto: I think it’s that I feel lighter around Yuto.
Nakajima: Really?
Okamoto: Yeah. Around Yuto, I can react with my actual self. When Yuto comes in and says, “Hey, today I had a drum session~” I kind of react “Damn! Me too~”, like I actually would.
Nakajima: You let me listen to your guitar recording saying “It’s fun~”
Okamoto: Within JUMP members, I only let Yuto listen to it.
Nakajima: Cuz we have the connection of music. Oh, and we have a connection with loving Italian food. When we finish work, and then decide to go out to eat, we always end up with pizza or pasta. 
Okamoto: Come to think of it, we’re like, stylish in the wrong way. (笑)


1 komentar:

  1. Hi! thank you for this translation! Can I use this to tranlsate into spanish? I will give you back all the right credits.
