
Popolo March Translation - Yuto, Keito, Kei

Inoo Kei
A Must Winter ItemI started wearing scarfs recently. They’re usually black, though, cuz it’s easier to coordinate with my clothes. When it gets colder, I wear tights as well… oh, and it also helps to wear a mask too.JUMPress
There’s a foreign guy singing every morning since I was a highschooler. And, the other day, when I got to the platform earlier, he called out from the other side, “Let happiness come to you!”
(笑)It’s a good story, right?
Okamoto Keito
A Must Winter ItemWell, mufflers or scarfs are deffs needed. I often wear clothes that have quite an opening around the neck, so it’s cold in winter. I’m Keito, so maybe wear a keito(yarn) scarf?(笑)
JUMPressMy aircon was broken, and I was always curled up in a blanket, but Taguchi-kun who heard that gave me a stove and a new blanket! Now I can survive winter. (笑)

[You and your girlfriend are starting a repetitive cycle… use your phone and fix that!]
Straight Words are Needed for Repetitive Cycles
Inoo: Hey, so when you’re in a repetitive cycle, what kind of messages do you want?Nakajima: Maybe like, straight forwards words. I mean, if they texted me “wanna see you” or something, I’d go straight away! (笑)
Inoo: Like one phrase… yep, that’s gonna work. (笑)
Okamoto: Yeah. Well, I think I’ll do with “wanna hang out” Nakajima: Yeah, I guess that’s cool when you haven’t seen them as much. And, you know, I remember I got a text from my friend and he said “END”  in the message, but when I scrolled down, there was more. How about the text saying like, “wanna see you” when you scroll down? “The phrase, “wanna see you” is affective”
Woah! Cool!Nakajima: Nah, Keito would say something even better.Okamoto: Oh, like, if you read down the letters are each sentence, it’ll say “wanna see you”?N&I: Woah~“If guys try, the repetitive cycle is gone!”
And like, when you’re asked to meet at the place you asked her out at first.Nakajima: Yeah~! That’s really good! Cuz you could like, restart with a fresh feeling!Inoo: And if you met her in like, a long time, I think I’ll be nervous cuz her aura changed, or something…Okamoto: Oh, and like if how she dresses or her hair’s changed…I’ll keep on telling her I like her!
You’ll deffs be in love.Inoo: Except, I can tell you, I won’t let the girl be bored!Nakajima: Wow, you said it~(笑). But true, it’s the guys that have to fix that!Okamoto: Then, to let her not be bored, what would you do?Inoo: I’ll keep on telling her I like her, whether in words or actions!Okamoto: Cool~. It’ll be like, you take her to different places everytime on a date?Inoo: Then Keito should create a song on that date, and give her a song on every date.Okamoto: Like how? (笑)
Nakajima: We ate crepes~Inoo: We even went on~Okamoto: ferris-wheels~Nakajima: We’re a really good combo! (笑)Then, I’ll make a drum lesson place, and do it once per week! It’s my dream to drum with the girl I like.Inoo: It’s good that you can share a hobby with her.Nakajima: It’s the same in JUMP, but it’s a good thing we can affect eachother. Like, when someone’s trying really hard, we try hard ourselves. So, if love was like that, you’d never get bored!!Acrostic mails are also good<3
Nakajima Yuto
A Must Winter ItemEven if it’s cold, I don’t really wear baggy clothes, but I wear a muffler. Cuz, it’s easy to wear, and coordinate. I usually wear black, navy blue, or darker colours!

JUMPressI bought the bass guitar I’ve always wanted!!! Cuz bass is the same, “rhythm instrument” as drums, I bought it for study. I’ve just gotten to playing my favourite song’s chorus. It’s fun!!!

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