
Myojo February 2012 Translation Part 12

Marriage within NYC!?
Yamada: I was… kichi. 
Chinen: Sue-kichi.
Nakayama: I was Dai-kichi!!!!
Yamada: Well, apparently, for Yuma, this is the maximum of his luck. Chinen and I still have some hope! (←actually really jealous)
Chinen: Ryosuke, calm down! Err… mine says, going form North-east to North is good, so I think I’ll go from North-east to North everyday from now on.(笑)
Nakayama: What the! It says, “the subject you learn in 2nd year…” I’ve passed it!
Chinen: Yeah-. Cuz you’re gonna graduate-.
Nakayama: Marriage- “You will thank God some day.” Okay! Let’s marry! Yamada-kun let’s marry!
Yamada: Eh!? Me?(笑)Okay.
Nakayama: Blood type should be, “B or O would be appropriate.”
Yamada: I’m a B! Cool! We match!
Nakayama: Let’s marry.
Yamada: Decided-!
Chinen: Mine says, “Blood Type A would be appropriate.” Anyone an A here?
Nakayama: I’m A.
Chinen: Then Yuma, let’s marry.
Nakayama: Kay, sure.
Yamada: Eh… ehh!!??
Yuri’s Love Omikuji
Love Fortune
Learn the fragility of love, and face the fact that the happy memories will not return.
Do not drag, and decide tonight to stop chasing. Keep hope for tomorrow, and hold a strong heart that shall heal your scars and keep you live.
Number 19: Sue-kichi
Star sign: Libra or Sagittarius, both are good, but it shalt be easier to avoid a Taurus.
Blood Type: A is appropriate.
Age: Let the male be more than 5 years older, and it shall be kept in peace.
Earthly Branches: The best is the snake, but could be a rooster.
Direction: North-east to North is good. Avoid West.
Meeting: A date shall be better if met in the afternoon. A chat under the night sky brings you luck.
Bond: Do not hurry, wait for a chance.
Marriage: Pray to God. There will be a person who holds that other end to your red string. 
Education: Try hard on your goods, and gradually you will be confident on your bads.
Ryosuke’s Love Omikuji
Love Fortune
There was a time when the two came to the First Prayer together, and for that, the two is about to be bound.
There will be such obstacles over the objection of parents, and rumours that flutter, but if you shall stay tough and keep to your way, you shall gain happiness.
Number 17: Kichi
Star sign: Capricorn or Gemini is ideal. Sagittarius is also good.
Bloos Type: A or O is appropriate. Avoid B.
Age: It should go better when there is a bit of an age difference.
Earthly Branches: The goat is the best.
Direction: If you avoid the West, it should be fine.
Meeting: It would be better to meet far away.
Bond: There will not be one for long, but wait, and you shall earn it.
Marriage: There shall be a person holding your red string quite close to you.
Education: You are not putting enough effort into your good subjects. Re-do your Japanses & Enlish from the basics.
Yuma’s Love Omikuji
Love Fortune
As if to symbolise two stars shining together next to eachother, the constellation of love is shining in the night sky of love. Take time and carefully speak out your words of love, and build your happiness for the future. Happy days shall fulfill you.
Number 8: Dai-kichi
Star sign: Virgo is best. Taurus or Leo is also good.
Blood Type: B or O is appropriate. Avoid A.
Age: Appropriate for to be same age, or the male is 2 years older.
Earthly Branches: The snake is ideal. The tiger or the monkey is also appropriate.
Direction: A person living in the Northern lands, or North-east is good.
Meeting: Always come. Make sure it is planned well beforehand.
Bonds: A great chance shall come from a peer.
Marriage: You will thank God some day.
Education: The subject you learn in 2nd year shall give you great results if you take the chance. 


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