
Myojo February 2012 Translation Part 6

Yamada Ryosuke x Nakajima Yuto - Pet Boasting Pair 
Yamada: We have a toy poodle called Kuu & a chihuahua called Cookie
Nakajima: We have a miniature dachshund called Tam, and a yorkshire terrier called Ride. Tam curls up and sleeps on top of the clothes I just took off, but that’s REALLY cute!
Yamada: My ones always come up to us when we’re eating dinner, and then appeals a lot for food by sticking out their right paw! They look a bit like maneki cats.(笑)But, they’re cute, sure… but at the same time a pain, literally.
Nakajima: Eh, why?
Yamada: Everyday, after I have my morning shower, I eat my breakfast with my shirt left off. And it’s always those times when they decide to come up to me and scratch me. I’m actually allergic to dogs, so after they scratch me, I always get rashes.
Nakajima: So are you an idiot who has a pet dog when you’re allergic to them?
Yamada: Well, I didn’t know until I actually got one.
Nakajima: So there are people who are actually like that. (笑)
Yamada: My love is bigger than my allergies, so I’m fine.

Arioka Daiki x Chinen Yuri - Critics Pair
Chinen: Daiki is cute-! He gets cuter as he gets older!
Arioka: Thanks! Chinen’s cute on the outside, but I think it’s cute how he doesn’t like to lose!
Chinen: I CAN’T lose. In anything!
Arioka: That’s true-. Hey Chinen, I like how you say I’m cute, but aren’t there any criticism for me?
Chinen: There is! Like how you don’t listen to people.
Arioka: Woah. That came out fast…
Chinen: Cuz, you react to what I say, but then afterwards, you’re like, “So… what were we talking about?” Seriously, listen.
Arioka: Yeah… I kinda know I do that… but even if I try, I can’t really fix it. I think I’m a person who can’t multi-task,
Chinen: You don’t have criticism for me do you?
Arioka: N~. Ah, well recently, you keep on repeating the same kinda face pulls. You have to work out more~
Chinen: Wait then! I’ll deffs make you laugh!
Arioka: You being like that’s really cute!
Okamoto Keito x Yabu Kota - Relying on Eachother Pair
Okamoto: The other day, work finished earlier, so we decided to hang out together.
Yabu: Yeah. Cuz we haven’t hung out before just the two of us.
Okamoto: I was actually really excited, but then you were like, “Hey, can you come and tidy my house?” (笑)
Yabu: Cuz Keito’s super hygenic, and I’m pretty bad at tidying up. So I wanted you to help.
Okamoto: Well, Yabu-kun  has helped my a lot, so, yeah…
Yabu: I know Keito from when you were like, “My dad’s Okamoto Keito!” and you were so little.(笑)
Okamoto: Hahaha. Like, “Okamoto Keito is YOU!” (笑)But, I’ve been supported by Yabu-kun a lot. In “Kinpachi Sensei 3 Nen B Gumi” I kept on getting NG’s, and when I finally got an OK, Yabu-kun & Hikaru-kun who were there were like, “You did good, we were listening.” and…
Yabu: You totally cried. But- I’m always gonna support you Keito!
Inoo Kei x Okamoto Keito - Dunno What to Talk About Pair
Okamoto: Well with Ino-chan… I dunno if I’m supposed to say this, but I talk the least to.(笑)
Inoo: Aha ha ha! Yeah, we really don’t talk!(笑)Like, when we talk, it’s about school and stuff. Ah, my friend was gonna board to London and I asked Keito for advice. But, it was rough like, “it’ll be alright”. And like, “Japanese boys aren’t popular.” we’re not talking about you!(笑)
Okamoto: That’s like, the most recent conversation! But it’s like… 2 months ago? 
Inoo: I’m actually thinking I wanna talk to Keito more-.
Okamoto: I wanna talk to Ino-chan more.
Inoo: We like eachother, but we have nothing to talk about. (笑)Let’s find something sometime.
Okamoto: Wait, I don’t even know Ino-chan’s contacts!
Inoo: OMG You serious!? 


2 komentar:

  1. hahaha xD

    Okamoto: Wait, I don’t even know Ino-chan’s contacts!
    Inoo: OMG You serious!?
    Me: What??? You've already got in a group together for 4 years and you said you don't have one???? #shocked

    Chinen: You don’t have criticism for me do you?
    (our Mr. Narcissist came up LOL xD)

    Yamada: Everyday, after I have my morning shower, I eat my breakfast with my shirt left off. And it’s always those times when they decide to come up to me and scratch me. I’m actually allergic to dogs, so after they scratch me, I always get rashes.
    Nakajima: So are you an idiot who has a pet dog when you’re allergic to them?

    Yama-chan baka! xDv

    1. yo..yo... that's part also make me lough,....XDDDD
      and I just found out .. Keito did not have inoo's contact , and yama had dog allergies .... wkwkwkkwk .........
